Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Ladybugs and Laundry

Everytime I walk into the master bathroom my eyes skim the room for the enemy like a police officer entering an unknown situation.  Gun drawn (well, a piece of tissue in my hand), my eyes dart quickly to the tub, window and ceiling.  Every year starting right around the first of November, we get an infestation of ladybugs and the main area they swarm is the master bathroom.  We have a skylight in there (so 80's) I suspect is the main entry point to our house.  Over the years I have discovered the only surefire way to get rid of them is flushing them down the toilet.  I have washed them down the sink drain only to have them climb back out minutes or hours later.  I always keep a tissue handy to scoop them up and drop them into their watery grave.  Did I mention the smell?  They let off an odor too.  Strange little things.  We have been in our house over 7 years but I don't remember how long we have hosted our winter visitors.  I did start keeping track a few years ago and I do know they come until March.  I am guessing it will be the end of March as I am so sick of them and I doubt they will just disappear tomorrow.   They are harmless but annoying.  They have started visiting other parts of the house and I am ready for them to pack their little red and black bags and move out. 

Unfortunately, this has tainted my view of of ladybugs in general.  The nurse at Abby's pediatrician's office when she was a newborn called her "Ladybug."  Her first birthday party theme was ladybugs.  And Abby used to say, "bee-bug" for ladybugs.  Now I see those cute little cartoon ladybugs and think of our already over stayed their welcome visitors. 

So what do ladybugs have to do with laundry you ask?  Tonight I told Brad all I do around here lately is fold laundry and battle ladybugs. 

That's what I have been up to this warm winter.  Happy Leap Day.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I am so glad I started this blog to work on my writing.

I get ideas for posts from time to time.  But then when it comes down to sitting at the computer to work on one, the ideas escape me or the motivation has completely vanished. 

So I sit here tonight wrapped in a Snuggie (it was a gift, it's ugly but warm), Brad is out of town and the kids are sleeping and I am attempting the 5th post in 8 months.

So, here's the 2012 update:

Once again, indecision rears it's head as we can't decide where/what/when for our vacation this year.  I am a Western girl.  Love the West.  I really want to go West and go to a National Park or two.  I think Jackson, Wyoming is on the top of my list now.  I think it would be so fun to stay in a cabin, ride horses and see some of the great outdoors.  But then again, we just got the kids passports, should we head out to Costa Rica or Belize?  What about Colorado?  California?  And then when should we go?  Spring Break?  Right after school gets out?  July? many decisions. 

Nate's birthday is in less than a month (6!).  I can't decide what kind of party to have for him.  He has asked for a party at Catch Air (after attending a party there), a movie party (after a movie party), even an Amazing Race party (poor boy has no idea that his mom is nowhere near creative enough to pull that off).  Luckily, we are on Abby's off year for a party (every other year).  She wants to get her ears pierced (again) and have a friend or two to dinner and to sleep over.

I am just so glad the title of my blog still fits my life.