Monday, July 4, 2011

He's Growing Up...?

This morning I dropped Brad and the kids off at the airport for the first leg of their summer adventure.  They will spend about 2 weeks in Kansas with my dad and stepmom, Pat.  We like to call their trip "Camp Grandpa."  Brad will be back in two days and I will go out in a week and a half to join them before we all fly to Arizona to see my mom.  All together the kids will be gone for 3 weeks.  As crazy as this summer has been, I choked up when I left them waving to me at the airport.  All the bickering, back talking and boredom was forgotten. 

I think what hit me the hardest was thinking about Nate growing up (a recurring theme?).  Anyone who knows Nate for even a short time, will know how much he loves his stuffed otter, Fluffy.   He's had Fluffy for about a year, a gift he received on a visit to the Georgia Aquarium.  Fluffy has all but replaced his beloved Nanni (his baby blanket).  He sleeps with Fluffy and holds Fluffy when he is watching TV or is sad, tired or bored.  He brought Fluffy to swim team practice one day and had me hold Fluffy up to the fence and watch Nate swim.  So imagine my dismay when he is getting out of the car at the airport this morning and says, "Did you put Fluffy in my backpack?"  I said, "did you?"  I expected tears, stomping feet and more expressions of anger and frustration.  Instead he said, "that's ok."  I think I was more upset about Fluffy being left behind than he was.  That's when I started getting choked up.  I told him I would bring it when I came out next week.  Or I could mail it.  He said, "yeah, mail it."  Then Brad said, "insure it."  I decided that mailing was unacceptable because insurance would not get Fluffy back if he was lost in the mail.  So I got some great hugs and kisses and I got in the car.  I called Pat and asked if she would bring a stuffed animal to the airport as a substitute until Fluffy makes it out there.  That's when it struck me that maybe he was growing up.  Could this little boy be less dependent on his lovey?   Could he be outgrowing the need for a stuffed animal to comfort him?  Could be... But the more likely explanation is that he was so excited to get on the plane and going on this trip, Fluffy was the least of his concerns.  Maybe a combination of both.

Oh and Abby sat across the aisle from Brad and Nate on the plane.  She's growing up a bit too.  She didn't want to sit alone but I convinced her it might be a nice break from Nate. 

Nate napping with Fluffy in May